Something small tips I learn when I using react-native

30 Apr 2021

Hide Warning

there are lots of yellow warning during developing, need to click one by one, use the below code to hide all of them

console.disableYellowBox = true;


Unlike website, react-native flex direction is column by default, need to manually set flexDirection:row to make it in one line

why words doesn’t display

In react-native, if you use <View>some texts</View>, it won’t display, because text must be wrapped by <Text>, so must write in <View><Text></Text></View>

Use Redux to manage data together

when you can change it, all the children will update

import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { Dispacth } from "redux"; // use its type

const Component = connect(
  // first is data in state
  // second is dispatch
  // callback => pass need data as props to C
  ({ data: { order } }, { dispatch }) => ({ order, dispatch })

const C = ({
}: {
  order: OrderType;
  dispatch: Dispatch<any>;
}) => {
  return (
      <Button onPress={() => dispatch(xxx)}>click me to do something</Button>

Use StyleSheet to create common style

if you want to write some style, you can write inline style, but cannot be used commonly use StyleSheet can help write re-used styles

import { StyleSheet } from "react-native"

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
   container: {
      display: "flex"

<View style={[styles.container, otherStyle]}>


  1. SectionList
  2. FlatList both of them are been wrapped by ScrollView, so they are scrollable



shadowColor: Sets the drop shadow color.
shadowOffset: Sets the drop shadow offset.
shadowOpacity: Sets the drop shadow opacity (multiplied by the color’s alpha component).
shadowRadius: Sets the drop shadow blur radius.


shadowColor: "#000",
shadowOpacity: 0.4,
shadowRadius: 10,
shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 10 },



const [showSorter, setShowSorter] = useState(false);

onTouchEnd={() => {
   if (showSorter) {
{showSorter && <SorterContent />}


首先需要准备一根连接线,把电脑和iPad连接起来,然后可以打开xcode -> window -> Devices and simulator, 选中iPad, 打开console就可以log啦 image image image